Sunday 9 December 2012

who I am

Hello, I'm Wendy Glenda Shuttleworth; I love meeting people who are interested in celebrating life through the quality of their relationships, either in current committed partnerships or their dream partner in the future, or with their relationship with their children, family and friends.  I am a mom, an intuitive, educator, author, wife, counsellor and psychic, with both corporate and one on one experience, who loves people and life.  I have loads of qualifications, yet to live it fully in a meaningful way has always been my challenge.  How to be spiritual yet stay focused on earthly objectives and reality in the now.  I have developed energy techniques and ways of living to try and be practical in a spiritually aware way.  To live in a positive reality while not judging whether it is positive or not but accepting it as it is.  I am human and trying to do it the best way I can and share my experiences while helping others to avoid the mistakes I’ve made.


I was abused sexually as a child and again later in my adult life (verbally and physically).  While I’m not proud of it, I have been married 5 times (gulp!).  I firstly got married to young when I didn’t really know myself or what I wanted.  I have also played the poor me pattern (been strangled and hit also been verbally and mentally abused), cheated on (trust issues). I married for the wrong reasons; I played the Mills and Boon pattern (thinking happily ever after happened automatically, without a conscious effort). I have had to deal with incest from a husband to his sister and my childhood abuse reaction to it.

While being abused and seeing the energy and patterns behind it was difficult.  I struggled for many years to trust and love myself knowing that I had a part to play in the abuse and that the poor me pattern kept attracting more abuse in different forms. 

I used to believe all men are abusive or cheaters or only in the relationship to use me. I know how surviving is hard enough without trying to admit to and change patterns and how seemingly impossible it is to accept your role in the abuse.  I know you will, like I did, keep attracting the same people to play into your poor me puzzle until you change it.  I kept attracting people and companies who used and abused me in a work situation.  I would find a client who would not pay my invoices for 6 months yet I had to pay my bills monthly.

You may find a boss or co worker or even relative becomes verbally aggressive to you and how you struggle to get ahead in all areas of your life.  I’ve learned the hard way that when you own up to the pattern and choose a new one it’s possible to create brand new, empowering patterns.  The first step is to really get to know yourself and to love yourself (even the poor me bits) how could I expect anyone else to love me if I didn’t love me?  I had to realise that life had given me lessons for a reason, to make me stronger.  I had to find my own happiness as only then I could be my true self.  We need to realise our strengths and opportunities, set goals, find our soul passion, our soul truths and choose our future for ourselves and our children. 

I’ve learned that we all, and yes I mean all, have patterns, poor me to abusive is like a pendulum and we tend to play both parts.  I now know trust in ourselves and others is so important.  I know abuse of any kind or an unbalance of any kind whether co dependent or other substance is not good.  I’ve learnt what you focus on you get (If you nag your man enough about cheating, eventually he will.)    I’ve learnt even being too “spiritual” can be bad.

I know as a woman and a single mom (single from when my youngest daughter was 9 months old) how hard it is being a working mom and trying to be spiritual with life’s pressures.  I know how tempting it can be to focus more on your children than yourself and put their happiness before your own.  How you feel alone and desperate.  Think what you want your children to learn.  I know as I have been there. I have two gorgeous little girls, who I adore and want the best for them. I do not want to pass on poor me, any other co dependent or other games to my daughters.


I have survived and found my own love for myself, and my own inner joy.  It hasn’t been an easy journey for me and my life mission now is to make this journey as easy as possible for others who might be in similar circumstances. I would like to share my experiences and lessons with you.  I survived and am now in a fulfilling, realistic, marriage, work every day, in a relationship raising my two girls with my incredible husband.

This taught me many lessons, like getting over abuse and not blaming others, about choosing new ways of being.  This taught me about loving myself even though I am not perfect, which helped me gain more insight into myself and others and stop self sabotaging my success.  In my quest for answers, I went on various courses and paths in life including corporate training, spiritual counselling, spiritual healing, time and parallel-self work, working with crystals, colour and natural substances to help people find their truth.

I learnt how to assist others in reality shifting, working through pain in a quicker way and shifting energies and patterns. By becoming aware of your patterns you can choose a new way of interacting with your partner and other important people in your life.  You cannot change another person but you can change yourself.  By changing yourself you give others the option to change to.  I know this process works, because I am now married to an amazing man and have a stable happy relationship (I am living proof that, despite my past, a joyful, mutually fulfilling relationship it is not only possible, but there for anyone willing to question their past patterns).

A lot of people are currently going through a change, I know I am.  I have been forced by my soul desires, pressures and circumstances to re look at what my purpose is.  It is has been a hard process for me to be raw with myself and very real about what I am good at and not.  I have always had a good idea of what is it by my dreams but it needed fine tuning.  What I am good at is seeing energy patterns and in helping others shift them and their lives.  I love doing this work.  It is my passion and purpose.

The most important things I learnt were that there are no coincidences, and that you can never change another, but you can create your own reality and decide how others will treat you.

 The woman holds all the power in a relationship, whether consciously or unconsciously.  As women, we create the space into which our men can step in, flourish and express their true souls, or we can box them in because of patterns we hold onto, causing a cycle of misery.  Come with me on a journey of exploring this phenomenal concept – something we should have all been taught at school, but weren’t.

Thank you and keep in touch!

Wendy Glenda Shuttleworth

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